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KIDS Supporting Research 

for ALL Cancers


Please bring any empty aluminum cans, copper, scrap, and lead for Cancer Smashers to recycle on Race Day- Sunday, October 14, 2018.


Can't make the 5K?
Call Danny at 630-229-3008 or

email Beth at


A 100% volunteer run organization with ZERO administrative costs!  Cancer Smashers was founded in 2011 by a group of "kids" (aged 10-19) that had already been volunteering in our community to help fight cancer. 


We have a team of volunteers that include our parents and a very big team of individuals that support our cause.  That's why 100% of everything we do is donated. Even though our main goal is to cure cancer, we do not just stop at raising funds for cancer research. We are also active in the community in many other ways.


We Recycle

In order to be able to donate as much as possible to cancer research, we have adopted a recycling program to help pay for the fees that go with running our organization.  The fees we incur for maintaining our 501(c) 3 status include: insurance, Federal and State filings, and bank fees. Since we want to be able to send 100% of what is raised in our fundraisers to cancer research, we use this program to pay for these costs.


We also use this money to help pay for the fundraisers themselves. There are always costs associated with fundraising. We try to get as much as we can through donations, however that cannot always be achieved. By using money from the recycling program, we are able to put 100% of the money raised to where it is needed instead of overhead costs.


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